Dangerous habits

Dangerous Habits: -

The brain is the command center in our body. A human brain is about 2% of body weight. Not only that, if the importance of the brain is mentioned, the human intellect will be amazed ... But since many of us are unaware of the importance of the brain, we have unknowingly made some shortcomings that are very much on the brain. Affect.

The habit of not having breakfast:-

A Japanese study found that people who do not eat breakfast have mental retardation. The risk of diabetes is 36% higher and the risk of low blood sugar level also increases as we know these two things badly affect our brain. Due to low blood sugar level the brain does not function properly which leads to memory loss. It also has a profound effect. For example, there is an example that breakfast should be eaten like kings, lunch like ministers and dinner like the poor ... It shows how much breakfast is for us. This is important because our body needs it.

Dehydration: -

Our body needs 2 to 3 liters of water daily and about 85% of our brain functions depend on water. According to Dr. Corine Allen, founder of the Advance Learning and Development Institute, brain cells need twice as much energy as the body, and water provides this energy better than any other food. Water is also essential for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain, and it takes about half the brain's energy to make these neurotransmitters. When your brain is fully functioning in water delivery, it is able to develop better thinking, more active and more creative abilities. One question is why drink more water throughout the day for better brain function. It is necessary... The answer is simple but profound "because the brain has no means of storing water."

Eating habits: -

When we overeat, we lose our appetite and the body feels more hungry, because it does not get what it needs, ie "nutrition". Eating without nutrition does not improve the functioning of the brain. Chronic obesity causes a decrease in brain volume. According to a study in neuroscience by Vanderbilt University, people who eat a lot of fast food have a weakened brain. About 30% of the world's population is obese. This shows how common eating habits have become. Eating high calorie foods has a negative effect on memory. People who overeat have symptoms of forgetfulness. Research from "The Mayo Clinic" shows Alzheimer's disease is clearly seen in the elderly due to overeating.

Excessive use of mobile phones: -

As we all know that "Electromagnetic Fields" emit radiation, prolonged exposure to these radiations is harmful to human health. Mobile phones also emit the same type of radiation. Keeping can interfere with your sleep. A study conducted in Sweden found that radiation emitted from mobile phones causes headaches and confusion. Even these rays can cause cancer.

Smoking habits: -

Smoking not only stops brain development, but it also controls the brain. Causes hormonal imbalances. Smoking even causes some parts of the brain to contract. A team of researchers has found that chronic smoking affects the work of dopamine in the brain. "Dopamine" is an element that helps us quit drugs and keep us away from drugs. Doctors have also found that the cortex of smokers is thinner than that of non-smokers. This part of the brain is used in memory, language and imagination. Doctors say that the thin cortex is weak in the brain. The reason is.

Sleeping Habit:-

Our brain and body need at least 7 to 8 hours of rest daily, then a human brain can function properly. The habit of sleeping late every day is extremely harmful to our body and brain. Affects abilities. In particular, it affects your memory. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, when we sleep, the cellular structure of our brain removes toxic cells that are produced during the day. Therefore, it is very important to get a good night's sleep to avoid brain disorders.

Excess of sweets: -

The relentless use of sweets has spread all over the world as a dangerous epidemic. Our body absorbs excess sugar through processed foods, fruit juices, carbonated drinks, sweets and cakes. Which affects our body. The consequences include obesity, malnutrition, complications in the nervous system and poor health, etc. You should avoid sugar and its products as much as possible. ۔ Too much sugar is dangerous for our whole body, affecting the Central Nervous System. If the effects of sugar are most pronounced in our body, it is our "brain". Sugar affects the functioning of many parts of the brain, such as dopamine and opioid receptors.

"Opioid receptors" are a chemical compound that Interacts with specific receptors, they help the body resist issues such as pain, cough, constipation, heartbeat, emotions, slow breathing and coma. "Dopamine" is a neurotransmitter in the brain. Works like A chemical that is used to transmit the message of neurons to other nerve cells. These are habits we don't pay much attention to, but they can endanger our lives. As far as possible we should get rid of these habits from within. So that we can live a healthy life and tell others about their harms so that they too can live a healthy life.

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