Terrorism Is An International Issue

Terrorism: An International Issue:

After the end of World War II, the establishment of the United Nations was a major goal to eliminate the threat of war from the planet. As a result, an international environment has gradually been created in which states avoid direct war because of the sanctions imposed on them by the UN Charter. In addition, various states have acquired such combat defense capabilities that they disapprove of the use of force by the armed forces directly against each other. But one of the consequences has been terrorism. The threat of terrorism has been felt all over the world for the last fifty years. Although the term terrorism is not new. Conquerors and revolutionaries have used it for many years to oppress both the people and the government. But after the Second World War, new methods of terrorism are being used and it is taking on a new form. Different governments, historians, sociologists and psychologists praise it in their own way and according to their own ideologies. And, of course, there is no coherence in their definitions of what acts actually fall into the category of terrorism, which is unacceptable to a civilized society. I adopt new methods of violence. The purpose of terrorism is more psychological and political than material. As Hardd Lasswell writes, "The purpose of terrorists' participation in the political process is to achieve political results by creating intense unrest."

Here are some features of terrorism:

1: The act of terrorism is carried out according to a premeditated plan.

2: Its purpose is to create fear in as many people as possible.

3: They usually hit unintentional targets.

4: Their aim is to create unrest in the society and gain interests.

The US Congress also recognizes the above elements of terrorism. International terrorism involves more than one country. The incidence of terrorism has multiplied since the end of the Cold War. But depending on the purpose, such incidents can be divided into three categories.

1: The struggle for independence from the imperialist system.

2: An attempt to revolutionize the existing system within a state.

3: Criminal activities of terrorism.

The first two types are part of democracy and are related to the political and economic rights of a very large group of people. But is the struggle based on justice or not? If not, then such attempts are part of terrorism. Since World War II, the struggle against imperialism from Algeria to Palestine has been justified by independent researchers, although its opponents have called this legitimate struggle terrorism. Tried to name. But this effort continues because terrorism for one man is a struggle for rights and freedom for another.

The Palestinian struggle for freedom is controversial for some, but there are also terrorist groups in Israel who have joined Israel. Fought the armed struggle for the establishment of the state of and the United States fully supported in this regard. Initially, Palestine's struggle for independence was characterized by a special type of guerrilla warfare, including hijackings, attacks on Israeli settlements, and the 1968 Olympic Games in Munich. Freedom movements in other parts of the world, especially in South Africa, drew world attention and condemned racial discrimination. Kashmir was forcibly occupied by India and later rejected UN resolutions outright. Was initially acknowledged.

The Kashmiri people are sacrificing their lives, property and honor for their right to self-determination but the Indian government is calling them terrorists and separatists. The question is the policies adopted by Israel and India in Palestine and Kashmir. Produce what is called state terrorism? Israel has often used armed force to deprive Palestinians of their legitimate rights. Israeli warplanes and helicopter gunships have often indiscriminately bombed Lebanese villages and Palestinian refugee camps. The loss of life and property would be many times greater than the loss to Israel through the guerrillas. Similarly, India's atrocities against Muslims in occupied Kashmir, the killing of Kashmiri youth, the burning of their homes and Incidents of desecration of Kashmiri women and desecration of religious places can also be considered as similar state terrorism. Another recent example is Chechnya.

The small Islamic state of Chechnya, with a population of about one million, has suffered at the hands of Russian rulers. In the 19th century, fugitive kings faced fierce resistance in Chechnya. Later, after the Nazi invasion, Stalin questioned the loyalty of the Chechen people, forcing them into complete exile in Central Asia. He later resettled in Chechnya in 1957, but never renounced Russian supremacy, and declared independence in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But President Boris Yeltsin and later Vladimir Putin called him a terrorist and launched a crackdown on him. But circumstances show that if their demand for sovereignty had been met, there would have been peace. Inspired by the Cuban revolution, the movements in Peru, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico aim to revolutionize the current system.

The third type of terrorism includes criminal activities, including hijackings, hijackings for ransom Incidents include bomb blasts, robberies and house and street killings. Spreading anarchy and anti-government activities, such groups exist in Germany and Japan. Among such professional terrorists is the notorious Argentine terrorist Carlos, who was involved in terrorist activities in the 1970s. Western countries have accused Libyan President Colonel Gaddafi of harboring other terrorists, including Carlos.

The war of independence movements have come to an end after 1970, but there has been an increase in terrorist activities for a number of reasons. With the development of internet and information technology, terrorist incidents and their causes immediately reach the public. Although incidents of violence affect their place, their immediate result is a mental revolution. Some terrorist groups have specific ideologies, such as the terrorist group in the United States that was involved in the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Dick Oakley Homa. Similarly, Shoko Ashara Group in Japan.

The increase in urban populations has also led to an increase in terrorist activities. Terrorists sometimes carry out operations to secure the release of their comrades in government custody, to avenge the actions taken against their comrades, to incite hatred against the government among the people or to spread hatred among different sects.

Terrorist groups are divided into two groups, one involved in the country's politics and the other involved in terrorist activities such as the Hamas group in Palestine, the Irish Republican Army and the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. Are like One at the national level and the other at the international level. Some states also sponsor terrorists in other states to destroy the political, social and economic systems of other states for their own vested interests, notably the Indian agency RAW and the Israeli Mossad.

Pakistan and Terrorism: -

Terrorism means the use of force against the people or the government. This use of force is total, killing people on the streets and in homes, kidnapping for ransom, robbery and in any way damaging private or public property. Like other countries, the incidence of terrorism in our country has increased over the last thirty years. Unrest spread among the people due to the activities of anti-social elements. Lack of social justice Elements such as unemployment and injustice sometimes force our youth to become tools of subversive elements. There are a large number of highly educated terrorists in Sindh and Karachi. 

The social system of our country is also a cause of increase in terrorism. There are wide social differences between landlords, industrialists, traders and capitalists. When oppression of the poor increases or they are deprived of their legitimate rights, they engage in activities such as sabotage. Inadequate educational opportunities, population growth, failure of democracy, etc. are also elements that contribute to terrorism. Are causing an increase. In addition, the situation in Kashmir and Afghanistan has also increased such activities.

Notorious agencies like RAW have always taken advantage of the situation by sending their subversive elements to Pakistan to take advantage of such opportunities. According to a recent report by Gulf News, there are 35,000 RAW agents in Pakistan. A new wave of sabotage began in Pakistan when Russia occupied Afghanistan. Pakistan is unfortunately engulfed in sectarian terrorism. The shelling has exacerbated the situation. Sectarian divisions have given rise to various small religious groups in society. These religious groups are involved in all kinds of terrorism to promote their supremacy and their ideology.

They have formed their own terrorist organizations. Religious states like Pakistan also fall victim to sectarian terrorism because politicians belonging to any sect openly encourage acts of violence against other sects for less expediency because of their beliefs. Are Due to religious prejudices, people of one sect do not hesitate to kill people and leaders of other sects. Religious seminaries have provided opportunities for religious terrorism and increase in sectarian activities in particular. Taking advantage of the poverty of the people and due to their ignorance, the students of religious madrassas are trained in such a way that they consider only the ideology of their sect to be correct.

They only accept what is taught in the madrassas. Recognizing or researching the views of other sects is prohibited in their curriculum. Sectarian divisions also provide opportunities for foreign elements to take advantage of the situation. Radical religious elements, knowingly or unknowingly, continue to play into the hands of foreign elements. Fear of terrorism in our cities, our homes and even our minds. Is also settled. Pakistan's being a nuclear state is unbearable for other hostile elements so they are trying to sabotage it in every possible way through sabotage. Terrorists have been active not only in democratic but also in military regimes.

Social Justice: -

A fair distribution of wealth is essential to stem the tide of terrorism. Agencies such as RAW and Mossad lure unemployed youth to work against the country's interests in exchange for large sums of money. Political instability and the implementation of democracy are also necessary. Lack of soft and weak government policies and plans. It will be detrimental to the country and the nation. Population control is essential.

The people have an important role to play in this regard. It would be in their own interest to report terrorists to government agencies in a timely manner. The media can play an important role in preventing terrorism, especially the unnecessary display of weapons through the media. Such policies must be stopped. Take steps to end this trend. The present government's efforts to disarm society are commendable.

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